USM P-20

P-20 stands for Pre-K through graduate school and/or the workforce. A P-20 philosophy permeates the University System of Maryland. Under the leadership of the System's Chancellor, Jay Perman and through the combined efforts of dedicated faculty, administrators and staff, the University System of Maryland has become a recognized leader in state and national efforts to ensure that all citizens can participate and benefit from the highest quality education. The USM P-20 office is housed in the office of Academic Affairs and has both an internal and an external focus.

The USM P-20 office works directly with the Departments of Education in the USM institutions on partnerships with the local school systems. These partnerships work to strengthen educational achievement from elementary school through college and beyond. The partnerships also create programs to encourage students to consider and prepare for college and works at the both Pre-K-12 and college levels to improve teacher quality.

The USM P-20 Partnership Initiatives have been funded through a variety of federal and private funds including grants from the Pew Charitable Trusts, the U.S. Department of Education Office of Teacher Quality, the National Science Foundation, Lumina Foundation and the Business Higher Education Forum. In addition to the grant-funded activities, the USM P-20 office collaborates with state-wide partners to develop new programs, such as the Associate of Arts in Teaching degree (AAT), shared standards for written communication in first year writing courses, and "bridge goals" for mathematics alignment between high school and college.

Current Projects
Archived Projects
Maryland Center for Computing Education (MCCE)
Conference Presentations

Governor's P-20 Leadership Council

The USM P-20 office supports the Chancellor in his work with Governor's P-20 Leadership Council. The Council is a partnership between the State, educators, and the business community to better prepare Maryland students for the jobs of the 21st Century while enhancing the State's economic competitiveness by creating a workforce with 21st-century skills. The Council consists of not more than 35 members, including the Governor or his designee and representatives of the education (both K-12 and higher education), workforce creation, and business communities. For more information click here.