(Approved by the Board of Regents, September 27, 1990)
   1.  A facilities master plan is for the purpose of establishing
       a framework for orderly growth and development of capital
       improvements that is responsive to an institution's current
       and projected needs and sufficiently flexible to accommodate
       changes that can be expected to occur in a dynamic
       environment.  The plan is to describe the optimal
       development of the available space consistent with the
       approved mission statement of the institution.  The plan is
       a working document that will require evaluation and updating
       periodically to ensure its consistency with revised mission
       statements and with other circumstances.  The plan does not
       constitute a commitment to a specific timetable for the
       completion of projects.  A facilities master plan is a
       component of the overall planning responsibility of the
       Board of Regents.
   2.  As a part of its planning responsibility, the Board of
       Regents shall approve the facilities master plan for each
   3.  Each President or Director shall prepare a facilities master
       plan which:
   a.  includes
       (1)       information about the institution's role and
                 mission and how these relate to facilities
       (2)       an analysis of space and program needs to
                 implement the approved mission;
       (3)       a description of existing land and facilities,
                 including a description of the possible new or
                 revised use of existing land and facilities;
       (4)       projections of needs over the next 10 to 20 years;
       (5)  assumptions and criteria to meet identified needs.
   b.  is consistent with the mission of the institution as the
       mission statement has been approved by the Board of Regents
       and the Maryland Higher Education Commission.
   c.  is consistent with State requirements for facilities master
       plans, including those for the Maryland Higher Education
   d.  is to be evaluated and updated on a periodic basis,
       including when substantial changes to the institution's
       mission statement have taken place, or at least every five
       years coincident with the resubmission of an updated mission
   4.  The institution's facilities master plan shall be reviewed
       by the Chancellor for consistency with the requirements for
       facilities master plans, and with the Systemwide goals and
       objectives established by the Board of Regents.