Via Conference Call

February 14, 2014
8:30 A.M.


Dial-in number:(888) 622-5357
Participant Code: 662971

Cover Memo - Meeting of the Board of Regents, Friday, February 14, 2014

Call to Order Regent Gossett

Status Report on the CSU Implementation Plan President Neufville

1. Committee of the Whole Regent Gossett

a. Status Report - 2014 General Assembly (information)
b. Approval of BOR and Committee minutes (action) i. BOR meeting minutes from Special meeting on Feb. 9, 2014 Public and Closed sessions (action)
ii. EPSL Committee meeting minutes from January 14, 2014 Public and Closed Sessions (action)
iii. Finance Committee meeting minutes from January 30, 2014 Closed and Public Sessions (action)
iv. Economic Development and Technology Commercialization Committee meeting minutes from January 30, 2014 Public and Closed Sessions (action)
v. Advancement Committee meeting minutes from February 5, 2014 Public Session (action)
vi. Audit Committee meeting minutes from December 19, 2013 Public and Closed Sessions (action)
vii. Organization and Compensation Committee meeting minutes from February 4, 2014 Public and Closed Sessions (action)

2. Committee on Education Policy & Student Life Regent Michaux Gonzales

a. New Academic Program Proposal i. University of Maryland, Baltimore: Master of Science in Law (action)

3. Committee on Finance Regent Kelly

a. Proposed Amendments to USM Sick and Annual Leave Policies (action)
b. Proposed USM Policy on Termination with Prejudice (action)
c. University of Maryland, Baltimore County: Increase in Authorization for the Campus Traffic Safety & Circulation Improvements Project (action)
d. University of Maryland, Baltimore: Increase in Project Authorization for General Research Building and Research Equipment (action)
e. University of Baltimore: 4100 Ashland Avenue and 60 W. Oliver Streets Real Property and Development Transactions (action)
f. Towson University: Establishment of an Affiliated Foundation for the University Radio Station WTMD (action)

4. Committee on Economic Development and Technology Commercialization Regent Attman

a. USM Policy on Investments and Loans to Maryland-based businesses that License University Intellectual Property (action item)

5. Committee on Advancement Regent Gossett

a. Establishment of a $50M Quasi-endowment Fund to Enhance Development Operations (action)

6. Reconvene to Closed Session (action) Regent Gossett

a. Convening Closed Session