University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
APRIL 13, 2007
A. Call to Order Chairman
B. Welcome from
UMCES President Boesch
C. Committee of
the Whole Regent
1. Conferring of Regents' Faculty Awards Chairman
Kendall, Chancellor Kirwan
a. Mentoring: Dr. Bonnie Thornton Dill,
b. Mentoring: Dr. James Howard, UMUC
c. Mentoring: Dr. David Inouye, UMCP
d. Mentoring: Dr. David O'Brochta, UMBI
e. Collaboration in Public Service: Dr. Mark Marten, UMBC, Dr. David Schaefer, TU
f. Public Service: Dr. Philip DeShong,UMCP
g. Public Service: Dr. Renee Shea, BSU
h. Public Service: Dr. Sudhir Singh, FSU
i. Public Service: Dr. Yonathan Zohar, UMBI
j. Teaching: Dr. Ernest Bond, SU
k. Teaching: Dr. Christine Nielsen, UB
l. Teaching: Dr. Edward Redish, UMCP
m. Teaching: Dr. Don Spickler, SU
n. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity:
Dr. Sandra Herbert, UMBC
o. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity:
Dr. Arie Kruglanski, UMCP
p. Research, Scholarship, Creative Activity: Dr. Robert Schwarcz, UMB
2. Approval of minutes from February 16, 2007 (action)
3. Proposed Modification of USM II - 1.05 Policy on the Employment
Full-Time, Non-Tenure Track Instructional Faculty in the University
System of Maryland, ActionC.7.(benefits)(action)
4. Policy on Advertising VI-3.00 (action)
5. FY 2008 Schedule of Tuition & Mandatory Fees Mr. Vivona
6. Chancellor Kirwan's Report Chancellor Kirwan
D. Report of
1. Council of University System Presidents President Thompson
2. Council of University Faculty Dr. Parker
3. Council of University System Staff Mr. Lauer
4. University System of Student Council Mr.
E. Education Policy Committee Regent Hoffman
1. Middle States Accreditation Reports: Frostburg State University and Salisbury University (information)
2. Results of Periodic Reviews of Academic Programs (information)
3. External Funding Report (information)
4. USM Enrollment Projections, 2007-2016 (information)
5. Campus Crime Reports, 2005 (information)
F. Finance
Committee Regent
1. Self-Support
Charges and Fees for FY 2008 (action)
2. USM Enrollment Projections: 2007-2016
3. Proposed Amendment to the Nonexempt Staff Employees Salary Structure (action)
4. University of Maryland College Park: Increase Authorization for the Renovation of
Hornbake & McKeldin Libraries (action)
5. University of Maryland, Baltimore County: Food Service Contract Renewal (action)
6. University of Maryland, Baltimore: Dental Student Clinics Management Contract (action)
G. Audit and
Inst. Assessment Committee Regent
H. Committee on
Organization and Compensation Regent
1. Rescission to Policy VII -200 (action)
2. Amendment to Policy VII.5.10 (action)
I. Technology
Transfer Workgroup Regent
J. Capital
Campaign Workgroup Chairman Kendall
K. HBCUs and
Student Success Workgroup Regent