State University
Center, Room 201
JUNE 23, 2006
Agenda for Public Session
A. Call to Order, Chairman Nevins
B. Welcome from FSU, President Gira
C. Committee of the Whole
- Reports of the Councils
- Council of University System Presidents, President Bogomolny
- Council of University System Faculty, Dr. Siegel
- Council of University System Staff, Mr. Hill
- University System Student Council, Mr. Bailey
- Chancellor's Annual Report
- Approval of minutes from meetings 4/7/06 and 5/10/06
- Meeting Schedule for 2006-2007
- Nominating Committee Report, Regent Finan
- Recommendation on possible IHV Relocation, Chancellor Kirwan
D. Committee on Education Policy, Regent Florestano
- Proposed Revision of BOR Policy on Human Subjects (IV-2.10) (action)
- Establishment of University of Maryland School of Public Health (action)
- New Program Proposals (action)
- BSU - App. Sc. D. in Computer Science
- BSU - M.A. in Mental Health Counseling
- FSU - B.S. in Ethnobotany
- UMBC - M.S. and Ph.D. in Human Centered Computing
- UMCP - Ph.D. in Anthropology
- UMCP -Bachelor's of Music Education
- Report on Program Actions Delegated to the Chancellor, 2005-2006 (information)
- Campus Crime Reports (information)
- External Funding Report (information)
- Modifications to Policy on Student Residency Classification for Admission, Tuition and
Charge-Differential Purposes (VIII-2.70) (information)
- Annual Report on Intercollegiate Athletics (information)
E. Finance Committee, Regent Pevenstein
- Introductory Comments on the USM Capital Budget (information)
- FY 2008 Capital Budget Request; and FY 2008-2012 Capital Improvement Program (action)
- FY 2007 System Funded Construction Program Request (action)
- University System of Maryland: Twenty-Sixth Bond Resolution (action)
- Proposed Revisions to the Policy on Student Classification for Admission, Tuition and
Charge-differential Purposes (action)
- Board of Regents Policy - VII.4.20 Tuition Remission for Spouses and Dependent Children
of Faculty and Staff - Change of Definition of a Dependent (action)
- University of Maryland, College Park: Procurement of Serial Subscriptions (action)
- University System of Maryland: Review of Capital Improvement Projects (information)
F. Audit and Inst. Assessment Committeem, Regent Gill
- Approval of Audit Committee Charter
G. Report of Technology Transfer Workgroup, Regent Gill
H. Briefing on State Ethics Law
Ms. Suzanne Fox,
Executive Director
State Ethics Commission