USM Board of Regents Committee on Audit Meets June 4
Baltimore, Md. (May 31, 2024) – The University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents Committee on Audit will hold its next regularly scheduled meeting at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, June 4.
Access to the public session is via the following dial-in information:
Dial In: 1-443-353-0686
Access Code: 868 550 593
In public session, the committee will discuss several information items. These items include fiscal year (FY) 2024 Audit Committee objectives; the CliftonLarsonAllen LLP single audit report for FY ending June 30, 2023 and audit approach for the independent audit for FY ending June 30, 2024; and Office of Legislative Audit’s activity.
The committee also will hear information items regarding review of calendar year 2023 annual financial disclosure compliance for presidents, the Chancellor, and Board of Regents, and follow-up of action items from previous meetings.
As its final item during the public session, the committee will vote on whether to reconvene in closed session. In closed session, the committee would consider items excluded or exempted in the Open Meetings Act from the requirement for public consideration.
Those items include a recurring report on legal matters; discussion of ongoing legislative audit matters that are confidential by statute; discussion of investigative matters involving actual or potential criminal conduct that may lead to criminal prosecution, potential legal action or personnel action; an update of USM’s cyber security environment; an update of Internal Audit’s calendar year 2024 plan of activity; Office of Legislative Audit activity currently in process; and committee members meeting separately with the USM vice chancellor of accountability.
Agendas and supporting materials for Board of Regents committee meetings are here.
Contact: Mike Lurie
Phone: 301.445.2719