Kirwan Unveils Framework for USM 4-Year Business Plan
William E. Kirwan, chancellor of the University System of Maryland,
presented the framework for a system four-year business plan at the August
25, 2005, meeting of the Committee on Finance, USM Board of Regents. The
overall goal is to achieve continuity and predictability in funding for the
state's public higher education system.
In his presentation to the committee, Kirwan emphasized that the proposed
framework is based on the university system's commitment to address
enrollment growth and ensure quality, moderate tuition increases, diversify
fiscal resources, and help the state meet critical workforce needs.
At the meeting, the committee authorized Kirwan to proceed with the
development of the detailed plan for presentation at a future meeting. To
access Kirwan's August 25 presentation,
click here.
Contact: Anne Moultrie