August 27th, 1999
Regents Approve Tuition, 'Landmark'
Budget Request, New Ethics Policy
During its meeting on Friday, August 27 at the University of Maryland,
Baltimore County, the University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents
approved the Fiscal Year 2001 operating budget request, including tuition
and fees limited to a four percent increase.
Tuition at the USM's 11 degree-granting institutions will increase up to
four percent for full-time undergraduates who are Maryland residents. The
University of Baltimore will have no increase in its full-time
tuition, and both Coppin State College and University of Maryland, College
Park will limit their increases to three percent. Non-resident full-time
undergraduates will see increases ranging from zero percent at the
University of Maryland Eastern Shore to 7.3 percent at Frostburg State
The Board also approved a Fiscal Year 2001-2005 tuition plan. It projects
anticipated tuition increases for all USM institutions over the next four
years, but is contingent on the actual costs of education and the level of
state appropriations. Actual tuition rates will continue to be approved by
the Board of Regents on an annual basis.
The Regents approved a total operating budget request for Fiscal Year 2001
of $2.4 billion, a 3.6 percent increase over the current budget. Of that
amount, $759 million is a request for general funds provided by the state.
The state portion of the budget request is 5.7 percent higher than the
current amount, but still accounts for less than a third of the USM^Òs total
budget. The budget increase reflects allocations for new facilities, an
enrollment increase of nearly 2,000 students, enhancements at College Park
and the System's historically black institutions, debt service, and other
initiatives and obligations.
In addition, the Regents passed a Fiscal Year 2001 supplemental budget
request of $40 million. The USM is proposing this request in response to
legislation passed during the 1999 legislative session. The distribution of
funds will be largely informed by new draft funding guidelines, to be
established by the Maryland Higher Education Commission in conjunction with
the University System. The guidelines center on comparisons with state
funding of peer institutions nationwide.
"This promises to be a landmark year for the USM budget," said Donald N.
Langenberg, chancellor of the USM. "We are establishing a whole new
framework for appropriations, one that looks outside of Maryland to make
sure our institutions are funded competitively with their peers. It will
require a significant commitment on the part of the state, one which we
believe the vast majority of Marylanders are willing to make in return for
higher quality in and broader access to their public universities."
Finally, the Board affirmed an ethics policy that establishes a prohibition
against Board members "for compensation, assisting or representing any party
in any matter before the General Assembly." The policy complies with the
1999 Maryland Senate bill on USM governance, a section of which specifically
requires the Regents to create the prohibition.
- USM -
Contact: Chris Hart
Phone: 301/445-2739