September 9, 1999
Regents Advancement Committee to
Meet at USM Headquarters Sept. 10
The University System of Maryland Board
of Regents Committee on Advancement will meet on
Friday, September 10 at 9 a.m. in the Chancellors
Conference Room at the USM headquarters, 3300 Metzerott
Road in Adelphi, MD. The public session of the meeting
will begin immediately after the Committee meets in
executive session.
The Committee will consider several
agenda items, including:
An update on the USM fundraising
campaign to raise $700 million by 2002, including
reports on major gifts, Fiscal Year 1999
investment results, and Fiscal Year 2000
fundraising goals for all USM institutions.
Suggested guidelines for the
Maryland Private Donor Incentive Program, a
legislative initiative designed to encourage
private gifts to USM institutions via a
state-funded matching program.
Revised Board of Regents
policies on affiliated foundations, developed in
part in response to a new state law allowing the
USMs 13 institutions to establish their own
foundations if they so choose, to be operated in
accordance with Board of Regents policies.
A report on anticipated USM
initiatives for the 2000 Legislative Session,
including a request to increase the mandated cap
on the Systems contribution to its
supplemental retirement accounts, a response to
the possible reintroduction of a collective
bargaining bill, and an update on USMs
compliance with the mandates of S.B. 682, the
state law concerning System governance.
Full agenda and background information
will be available at the meeting. Sign language
interpreters and/or other appropriate accommodations for
eligible individuals with disabilities will be provided
upon request. Please call 301/445-2756 (voice) or
301/314-7683 (TTY/ITT) to make special arrangements.
Chris Hart
Phone: 301/445-2739
Pager: 301/507-2316